Rationale: The human body needs to be able to perform a variety of movements. We need these movements both to be fully functional and safe, and because they actually help maintain a healthy body. Loss of the ability to perform movements such as the ones included in the following self-test has been found to be correlated with an increased risk of musculoskeletal dysfunction and injury, both acute and gradual. Periodically assessing your risk profile and addressing deficits can help you prevent musculoskeletal injuries, poor performance and degenerative changes. Self-test procedure: Attempt to perform each test with good form, exactly as shown. If there are two versions of the test, perform the easier version first. Unable to complete the test → severe deficit, increased risk of musculoskeletal injury. Able to complete the first test → go on to the second version. Able to perform the first, but not the second test→ small to moderate deficit and risk. Able to perform second test→ optimal, no deficit, no sign of increased risk. Disclaimer: This test does not constitute diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. For diagnosis or treatment, please consult the appropriate healthcare professional. All tests and exercises are performed at your own risk. If you have any medical condition or other limitation that may put you at risk of injury while moving or performing this test, please consult the appropriate healthcare professional prior to doing so. This test may only be reproduced with the permission of the author.
Lilian Holm, PT, DPT Lilian Holm Wellness 1570 Oak Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201 www.lilianholm.com
February 2024